Research + Development

At Prosono, we’re unlocking new value for our clients and society through the Energy Transition.

Certain technologies and social programs vital to humankind have stagnated in implementation and commercialization because, as is often the case with social impact challenges, the final cost/benefit analysis of these new technologies and social programs may not be immediately clear. We currently apply Prosono’s “social impact engineering” techniques to the research and development challenges inherent in two of these critical areas: decarbonization strategies and ESG implementation.

 With regard to decarbonization, we've developed services tailored to emerging requirements within the energy transition sector. We focus on ways to integrate renewable energy and carbon neutral solutions to maximize carbon reduction. At Prosono, we work with our client-partners to formulate cost-effective strategies for decarbonization through our techno-economic advisory services, and we assist with program and project development, implementation and measurement. Our approach is based on financial modeling and is grounded in systems technology that accurately models performance while factoring in future cost curves and technology advancements.

Unlocking the full value of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) presents a different set of challenges. Current, standardized frameworks can be overly bureaucratic and filled with “one size fits all” solutions that can be either overwhelming or irrelevant, especially for dynamic high-growth businesses and organizations. Despite these obstacles, a growing number of enterprises are actively advancing ESG issues and can benefit from sharing best practices.

At Prosono, we collaboratively identify and prioritize our client’s ESG objectives, tailoring solutions to match their industry, resources and ambitions. We measure, benchmark, and report on ESG performance, providing valuable insights and recommendations for improvement. Our expert guidance optimizes positive ESG impact while minimizing complexity and resource burden.




Built Environment - Owners Engineer